Measure - HFA_480
- Code
- HFA_480
- Data state
- Published
- Data set(s)
- Data Mart ID
- 583
- 0
- Created on
- Data updated on
- Metadata updated on
- Notes updated on
- 5062
- Classification(s)
- HFA explorer [L]
- HFA-DB classification [A]
- Short name En
- Acute care hospital beds, medical group of specialties
- Full name En
- Acute care hospital beds, medical group of specialties
- Data set notes En
- The following abbreviations are used in the indicator titles:
• SDR: age-standardized death rates (see HFA-DB user manual/Technical notes, page 13, for details)• FTE: full-time equivalent• PP: physical persons• PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies.
- Measure note En
Acute care hospital beds, medical group of specialties
Indicator code: E992765.T
Medical group of specialties includes clinical specialties like Internal medicine, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Oncology, Rheumatology, Neurology, Ophtalmology, Oto-rhino-laringology, Radiology, Urology, Infectious diseases. This group includes most of clinical specialties excluding Surgery, Gynaecology & obstetrics, Paediatrics and Psychiatry._ - Country notes En
- Data include the total of beds in acute care (short-stay) hospitals according to the definition. See
also indicator 992760, - BEL
- Source: Federal Public Service of Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, Health Care
Facilities Organisation (DGI). - CYP
- General hospitals, public sector only. Up to 2005 cardiology beds could not be separated from
Intensive care beds and were therefore not included in this indicator. From 2006 and onwards
cardiology beds are not included. - CZE
- From the year 2000, data includes all establishments from all sectors (Ministries of Internal
Affairs, of Transport, of Justice and of Education).
Source: Institute of Health Information and Statistics of CR (IHIS CR). - DNK
- Source: The Danish Medical Association.
The medical group of specialties includes: internal medicine, geriatrics, heoathology, haemathology,
infectious diseases, cardiology, allergic diseases, endocrinology, gastroenterology, diseases of the
lungs, nefrology, rheumatology, dermato-venerology, neorology, oncology and working medicine. - EST
- See indicator 275205.
- Number of hospital beds is estimated using the Hospital Discharge Register.
- This group includes beds in acute care hospitals for all clinicl specialities excluding surgery,
gynaecology and obstetrics, paediatrics and psychiatry.
Source: Federal Statistical Office, Hospital statistics - basic data - GRC
- Hospital beds excluding: paediatrics, all types of surgery, gynaecology-obstetrics,
paedo-psychiatric, psychiatyric, psycho geriatrics. - HUN
- Source: GYOGYINFOK (Health Care Information Center).
Data refer to beds available on 31 December. - IRL
- Source: Health Service Executive. For data up to and including 2005, source is Department of Health
and Children. Up to and including 1996 figures refer to beds, excluding day beds, in publicly funded
acute hospitals where the average length of stay in 18 days or less. From 1997 figures refer to beds
in Health Service Executive network hospitals only. Geriatric beds in public acute hospitals are
included. Beds in private hospitals are not included. - ISR
- Licensed inpatient beds, end of year. Includes Internal medicine, lung department, Acute geriatrics,
Neurology, Oncology, Dermatology and V.D., Bone marrow transplant, Not specified, Cardiac intensive
care, Respiratory intensive care, Ophthalmology, Ear-Nose-Throat and Urology. Source: Department of
Health Information, Ministry of Health - ITA
- Source: Ministry of Health, Health Information System. Data refer to public and private hospitals
including private hospitals not accredited by the National Health Service (see indicator 992760). - LVA
- Since 2000 the data corresponds to mid-year estimates. Before 2000 - end-of-year estimates.
- Source: LHIC annual report data
- Beds in Stationary Medical centres are also included.
- Source: Institute for Public Health (IPH).
- December 2001: Includes internal medicine, cardiology, gastroenterology, pulmonology and allergy,
oncolocy, rheumatology, neurology, opthalmology, oto-rhino-laringology, urology, infectious
diseases, blood diseases, geriatrics, skin diseases, other medical departments. - POL
- Beds in military and police hospitals are not included. Source: Ministry of Health.
- Includes beds in hospitals of acute care plus beds assigned for surgery group of specialization,
specialization for obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics group of specialization, psychiatric
group of specializaiton, specialization in long-term care and specialization physiatrics, balneology
and curative rehabilitation. - ESP
- Medical group includes internal medicine, clinical specialities like alergology, cardiology,
gastroenterology, pulmonology, oncology, rheumatology, neurology, nephrology, endocrinology,
hematology and rehabilitation. Number of available general hospitals plus other available hospitals
with average length of stay of 30 or less days. Source to 1996: National Statistics Institute and
Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. Statistics on Health Establishments Providing Inpatient
Care. Source from 1996:Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs ( - UKR
- Includes all beds in medical group of specialities (excluding Opthalmology, Oro-rhinolaringology,
Oncology, Urology)in public hospitals under Ministry of Health at the end of the year.
For statistical reports, beds for urological and oncological patients are included in the surgical
group. Beds for oto-rinolaringological and opthalmological patients are distinguished as a separate
group, which covers both beds for therapeutic and surgical patients.
Source: Centre of Health Statistics, Ministry of Health.
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- Short name Ru
- Число терапевтических коек, больницы нехронического профиля
- Full name Ru
- Число терапевтических коек, больницы нехронического профиля
- Data set notes Ru
- Дополнительная информация:
- Measure note Ru
- Country notes Ru
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